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Writing An Academic Blog

Writing An Academic Blog

Blog writing facilitates the presentation of ideas in an informal tone. Typically, blog
posts will be concise entries that combine personal experiences with analysis. Blogs
can also provide focus on engaging topics related to class discussion or readings
that could not be included in a lecture. Moreover, blog posts demonstrate active
reading and listening skills and often contribute to formal papers. Furthermore,
blogs provide opportunities for professors to invite students to extend their
discussions beyond the class meeting.

Differences between Blog Posts and Formal Academic

Blogs provide an informal space to present arguments backed by individual perspectives. They offer more freedom to explore personal experiences and emotions regarding course material before delving into analysis than a formal academic paper. Similar to a formal academic paper, citations and evidence should be included in your blog post; however, it does not need to comprise a uniform structure. It is possible to be creative with the format – shorter paragraphs, bullet points, bold font or headings can be used to emphasize certain points. Use of images,
videos or links may also help with demonstration of ideas on such an electronic
platform. See student examples of blending analysis and personal observation on
page two.

Common Traits of Strong Blog Posts

An effective blog post is often characterized by an intriguing title and a unique
perspective. Supporting evidence should be drawn from both typical experiences
and credible sources, such as journal articles, accompanied by relevant visuals. The
writing should be concise and clear, employing active voice in order to strengthen
the argument while utilizing logic while transitioning between and within
paragraphs. Ultimately, it is important to express your own personal opinion in a
way that enlightens readers without smothering them with excessive amounts of

Types of Blog

Blog post assignments and expectations vary according to discipline and professor.
Such posts can generally be categorized into textual analysis, personal experience,
current events, or response to questions. However, these categories are not set in
stone; multiple types of evidence could be used within one post. Therefore, it is
suggested that students consult with their professor for specific guidance on
What Kind of Blog are you Writing?

Response ExpectedDisciplines Likely
to Use It
What it RequiresTips
Textual AnalysisHistory, LiteratureConduct a close
reading of a
passage or
passages; analyze
the passage(s) and
draw conclusions;
not a summary
This blog doesn’t
necessarily require
a thesis, but often
it still contains an
Sociology, Women’s
Connect a personal
experience to a
topic you are
studying in class
Go further than
just demonstrating
that your
connects to the
class; explain the
significance of the
Current EventsEnvironmental
Sociology, Women’s
Connect a current
event to a topic you
are studying in
Go further than
just demonstrating
that your
connects to the
class; explain the
significance of the
connection. Link to
newspaper or
journal articles
Response to
Specific Questions
HistoryDemonstrate your
understanding of a
reading or subject
by answering in
depth a question
provided by your
Refer to specific
examples from
your reading or
class discussion to
back up your


“This article prompted me to think once again about the larger implications
capitalism and social class have on LBTQ segment of the queer community. My mind
immediately goes to the rapid failure of lesbian bars throughout the country.”
“Code-switching refers to the practice of shifting the languages you use or the way
you express yourself in your conversations (Deggans 2013). It occurs daily and, for
me, is most noticeable in greetings. Back home in Brooklyn, I’d greet a black friend
by saying, “What’s good?” Using this language sends a message to my friends that I
know the jargon of the “hood” and it reaffirms my blackness. On the contrary, at my
current school, Hamilton College, I tend to greet my white friends with, “Hey. How
are you?” in a very lively tone to convey that I am friendly and welcoming like
every other student.” Kureem Nugent.
“While the hype around Yuna, the Malaysian pop star, is exceptionally positive, this
publicity can also be conceived as quite objectifying. In all of the articles I have
read, Yuna is not being highlighted for her music but for her clothes.” Sara Nolan

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