Intent vs Implementation: Understanding Center-State Compliance in Mining Laws for Legal Clarity (Implementation of PMKKKY in Odisha)
Introduction Since the time of independence the government of India has passed many laws focusing on many sectors with a strong emphasis on public sector to achieve self-sufficiency and sustainability.
The Crucial Role of Van Gujjars in Forest Conservation and the Need for Recognizing Their Rights
The Van Gujjars, a pastoralist community in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, play a crucial role in forest management and combating climate change. However, their rights are limited, hindering their
Historical Development of Forest Rights in India
The history of centralized control of forests can be traced to the enactment of the Forest Act of 1864, which empowered the colonial government to declare any forest land as
Importance of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act (or simply Forest Rights Act – FRA)
Rights Recognised under FRA The FRA recognized the following four types of rights of the STs and other Traditional Forest Dwellers. Land Rights: A claimant gets rights to any land