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& get your book published in record time! 🚀

Thanks for your Interest in Self Publishing book with CFDRA Publication. As the first step of publishing proceeding, you will be required to provide us the basic contact details of yours. Please use the below Author Registration form to register for publishing book with us.


Get The Entire Support That Will Make You

The Best Selling Author!

Are you interested in self-publishing your book and looking for professional publishing services in India? CFDRA Publications provides a complete set of publishing services, including book cover design, publishing, promotion, and distribution. With our help, you can self-publish your book like a pro.

  • Global Reach

    International Reach

  • Convenience

    Affordable Rates

  • Big Experience

    Expert Designers

  • Team Strength

    Expert Proofreaders

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Publish With Us

Why Choose CFDRA Publications?

Our comprehensive range of services, including book publishing, cover designing, and sales and distribution, we strive to make the process as seamless and affordable as possible business. We offer a supportive network that helps you navigate the publishing world with ease.


Empowering Voices, Sharing Stories- CFDRA Publications

  • International Distribution

    Your book will have worldwide reach through Amazon, Flipkart and other online book stores. You will also get international book distribution from various platforms.

  • Payment & Book Royalty

    Publish with us for an easy experience from start to finish. Know your book’s cost and earnings as an author upfront. Avail 100% royalty and book sale profit.

  • Marketing & Book Promotion

    Boost book sales with marketing assistance, visual creatives and quick publishing for worldwide distribution. Dedicated project manager provides author support throughout the project.

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